102.3KG (-0.8) yahoo!
gotta keep it up now.
this is a pic of phil on the train on our way home from florence. we did quite a bit of walking, naturally. when i got there, i realized that i forgot to recharge the rechargable batteries. i went to the store to buy batteries, but they were not powerful enuff for the camera, it showed battery low. i managed to muster just this picture. we went into the acadamy of fine arts where "DAVID" is, but didnt get a picture of it. ah well.
i keep on doing this, but it never gets done. ive been wanting to lose weight all year and never get to it. now im going to try it again and hopefully ill lose something. my goal is to lose one KG (2.2lbs) a week. ill weigh myself tomorrow morning and start then.
first my marks.
i did my last exam on thursday. my god, it felt like it would never finish. i was literally in my room about 18-20 hours a day each day for 3 weeks. man, i couldnt wait to get out of the house.